If you made a visit to the Virgin transfer station (dumpsters) recently, did you know you have been recorded? Be careful of what you say to the transfer attendant as the attendant recently informed a citizen that the County has recordings of stops at the transfer station (dumpsters). So don’t bad mouth the County, a family member, or a friend as it may get back to them. We don’t know if the recording is just an audio recording or also includes a video or both.
Utah is a one-party recording state, which means if one of the parties to the conversation consents, the recording is not illegal. Even though the County can legally make the recordings, is it the right thing to do without informing the citizen stopping at the transfer station (dumpsters) that they are being recorded?
There may be valid reason for the County to record conversations, such as to prevent fraud, theft of services, or provide better customer service. However, they should post prior to entering the premises that the premises are being recorded. What can you do about this devolution of your privacy? Contact your County Commissioners and request they stop recording or they properly post a warning. Or contact your state legislative representative and request that public entities recording of citizens be posted with a notice warning or with their consent except when the recording is necessary for law enforcement purposes.
Thank you! Paul