Dark Skies Update 1

Desert Garden will be conducting a survey of streetlights in their subdivision. The survey is to determine subdivision’s desire to modify streetlights to promote dark skies, eliminate some of the light posts, or leave light posts. The mayor elect and I attended a meeting of concerned citizens on November 23rd. And I attended a subsequent meeting on December 5th.

2 Replies to “Dark Skies Update 1”

  1. Claudia Anderson

    I completely support the night skies and agree the street lights in Desert gardens can be done away with. They are not bright enough to help and are just more annoyances than anything. Let me know how we can help.

    • Paul Luwe

      Claudia – thank you! I support Dark Skies, but I also support what Desert Gardens wants for its subdivision so long as it doesn’t increase the harm to dark skies. Thank you for your offer to help.

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